Cemetery Map & Directory Lookup
The City of Moore operates two cemeteries:
- Smith Cemetery (no available plots)
located at 34th and Telephone Rd.
The Smith Cemetery is a two-acre cemetery and currently has no lots available. Future growth is not anticipated. In recent years there has been many improvements to the look of the cemetery. A new fence has been installed, a paved road through the cemetery has been added, and new landscaping was planted.
- Moore Cemetery (pricing below)
located on 4th Street west of Telephone Rd.
Moore Cemetery has approximately 700 lots available to purchase or reserve in the newest area located on the far south end of the cemetery. This area includes Section G, Section I, Section J, Section K, Section L.
Contact the City Clerk’s Office at Moore City Hall by email [email protected] or phone 405-793-5020 for an appointment to reserve or purchase available plots.
The cemeteries are both over 100 years old, some of the grave sites dating back to the 1800’s with a few birth dates dating back to the 1700’s.
In 1997 the City of Moore purchased additional land for the development of the Moore Cemetery. The City has made numerous improvements to the cemetery. A gazebo was added, new sidewalks were completed, lighting has been added in certain areas, a new road and landscaping was installed adding covered seating to the older area of the property as well as additional landscaping, park benches, and statues.
The City Clerk’s office sells the lots, issues deeds, and works with various funeral homes and monument companies regarding pending funerals and monument sets. The City Clerk’s office also issues work orders and maintains all records relating to both cemeteries.
Current (2025) Cemetery Property Pricing
Please Note: The City of Moore does not open/close graves for burial. This is a separate service the funeral home will need to provide.
- Standard Burial Lot: $1,200 (1 traditional burial or 1 cremation)
- Double Interment Lot: $1,800 (1 traditional burial plus 1 cremation burial or 2 cremation burials in a standard lot space)
- Babyland Lot: $600 (infants only)
Grave Staking Fee: $125 (locating and marking grave prior to burial)
Map of Available Lots (lots in green)
Contracts are available to reserve lots but full purchase price must be paid before the lot is used:
Standard Lot $240 down, then $240 per year for 4 years
Double Interment Lot $360 down, then $360 per year for 4 years
Purchaser must agree that failure to make any of the payments prescribed in the contract will result in the lot being reverted to the City, the City may offer and sell to a subsequent purchaser, and all monies paid to the City shall be retained by the City.
Cemetery Regulations
Rules & Regulations on Monuments/Markers
- No monument/marker shall be set until the fee is paid for cemetery personnel to mark.
- Markers and monuments may only be installed by individuals and companies that are licensed and insured to do such work.
- Flat and upright markers/monuments must have at least a four (4) inch deep solid concrete base not to exceed more than four and a half feet (4 ½) in width and twenty-four (24) inches in depth.
- Upright monuments must not exceed five (5) total feet in height overall including base, must not exceed four (4) feet in width, and are only permitted at the head of the grave on a single plot.
- Flat markers can be used at the foot of grave as long as they are flush with the ground.
- Memorial benches must be placed at the head of the grave in a horizontal position with the same measurements/requirements described above.
- No monument shall be placed until the plot is paid in full.
- Monuments shall only be inscribed with actual name(s) of the deceased being interred.
The City of Moore Cemetery is not responsible for any decorations placed in the cemetery.
The ONLY permitted decorations are flowers in vases, attached to the monument, or flower arrangements in saddles attached to the top of the monument. American flags are permitted the week of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day.
Sec. 11-307
No deed for any lot shall be issued, no grave marked, and no monument or marker shall be set, located, or placed until the fee or charge has been paid in full.
Sec 11-310 Removal Of Flowers And Decorative Items
- It is unlawful for any person to remove flowers from a vase or a saddle attached to the monument other than by the persons placing such flowers or by a designated city employee.
- Items such as glass jars, cans, or other containers used on the premises for the holding of floral bouquets, candles, or mementos are prohibited.
- During the first full week (Sunday through Saturday) of every month, the City will remove all items on the ground or around the monument base that may cause maintenance problems. Prohibited items, such as rocks, metal rods, wire stakes, fencing, ornaments, glass containers, or any other similar items will be removed at this time. In addition to this monthly removal of items, twice per year, in February and in August, while performing the monthly clean-up, the City will also remove all flowers from vases and saddles.
1. A complete sweep of the city-owned cemeteries is done the first full week of FEBRUARY and the first full week of AUGUST. ALL FLOWERS and decorations will be removed from vases and monuments. Be sure to collect prior to the sweep if you choose.
2. Items placed on the ground or around the monument base that may cause maintenance problems will be removed during the first week of every month.
To view, all the Moore/Smith Cemetery Code of Ordinances click here.