Police Programs

The City of Moore Police Department is continually striving to find ways to provide new and more effective Public Services. Programs, like the ones below, help us partner with the community and contribute to the quality of life in our city. See below for each program's description.

The Cadet Academy gives aspiring high school students who are interested in a career in law enforcement the opportunity to join the Moore Police Department for a month-long adventurous learning experience.

For more information visit the Cadet Academy page.

The Junior Police Academy gives inspiring adolescents who are fascinated with becoming a Police Officer the opportunity to join the Moore Police Department for a weeklong adventurous learning experience.

For more information visit the Junior Police Academy page.

Citizens Academy

The academy runs for 9 weeks and classes, unless otherwise scheduled, will be held at the Moore Police Department.

2025 Citizens Academy Schedule

Interested applicants must be at least 21 years old, a resident of Moore or business owner in Moore, not have any felony convictions, and consent to a criminal background check. You must commit to attend at least eight of the nine courses.

Applications can be obtained in-person at MPD or click on the PDF below. Completed applications can be dropped off, or mailed to the Moore Police Department. Our address is 117 E. Main St., Moore OK 73160. Attn: Citizens Academy. Each application must be completed in its entirety, and be notarized which can be done at no charge at the Moore Police Department when you drop off the application. 
Deadline for applications:  Friday, February 21st.  

Selected applicants will be notified if they are accepted into the academy.

If you have questions you can email [email protected].

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35W Apartments
The Curve Apartments

The Moore Crime Free Multi-Housing Program is designed to create partnerships with apartment communities, while having the common goal of reducing overall criminal activity.

The certification process consists of three phases.

  • Phase I is an eight-hour management training course taught by police which focuses on key crime prevention tactics and theories.
  • Phase II is a security survey done by police using Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. This includes onsite inspections of doors, windows, locks, landscaping, and exterior complex lighting to ensure all meet national standards.
  • Phase III is a crime prevention social organized by management and taught by both management and police. This phase truly engages the residents who call the complex home.

Upon completion of each phase, a certificate is awarded and displayed in a common area of the management office. After completion of all three phases the community will be fully certified. Full certification permits the right to post the Moore Crime Free Multi-Housing Program sign and advertise membership in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program in the print media using the official logo. The full certification certificate expires every year, but the apartment community will retain certification if they maintain the standards.

The properties currently active in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program are:

  • 35W
  • The Curve

Call 405-793-4662 or send an email to [email protected] for more information on the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. 

Crime Stoppers of Moore, Inc. is a non-profit organization led by citizens against crime. The program offers cash rewards of up to $1000 to persons providing information that leads to the felony arrest of criminals and fugitives. Callers can remain anonymous.
You can submit information regarding any crime by telephone at 405-793-5160, online or by text. All tipsters can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1000.00. Go to the Moore Crime Tips Link for more information contact Sergeant Terrance Coleman of the Moore Police Department at (405) 793-5151 or one of the Crime Stoppers of Moore Board of Directors.

Whether you are planning a trip, a quick summer getaway, or an extended stay, at your request, MPD Volunteers will come to your business or residence and ensure it is secure while you are away. Our volunteers have proper Moore Police Department credentials, have been trained, and will be in clearly marked vehicles and attire. 

This service is free, with a House Watch request form easily obtainable in person at the Moore Police Department or online at cityofmoore.com/departments/police-department/programs. Once completed, email the form to [email protected]. You can also send it by mail, drop it off in person, or submit the form online.  

House Watch Request Form - Online

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Operation Identification

(Operation ID) is a citizen’s burglary prevention program for use in homes and businesses. The Operation ID program involves marking property with an identifying number as a means of discouraging burglary and theft. It also provides police with a way to identify property should it be stolen and recovered. In communities where it has been properly implemented, Operation ID has shown dramatic results in burglary reduction.

Operation ID Has Two Basic Components

• Engrave your valuables with your drivers license number so your property can be easily traced and identified as yours. Please note—If your drivers license number is your Social Security Number, we strongly recommend you: a) obtain a new license with a new number, or b) obtain an Oklahoma State ID Card, which has a generic number and does not expire. Engrave as follows:
• OK####### 11 (year of expiration)
• Engrave in two locations: 1) one that can easily be seen, and 2) one that cannot easily be seen.
• Photograph or videotape items and keep the photos/tape in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box. Jewelry should be photographed with an ID card and ruler next to it to show ownership and size.

• Display a sticker that tells would-be burglars that your property has been marked.

What Makes Operation ID So Effective?

Marked property is difficult for a burglar to dispose of—it can be traced to the rightful owner with relative ease. And, if a burglar is caught with marked property, it is solid evidence of possession of stolen goods. After marking your property, make a list of your valuables, and keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should become a burglary victim, you will be able to quickly describe the stolen property from the list. This will be of great help to police in their attempts to recover stolen possessions. Once property has been marked and a list made, display the Operation Identification sticker on doors and windows that could be used for entry. By advertising your participation in Operation Identification in this way, you are announcing that your valuable property has been marked and will be difficult for a burglar to sell. Often, the presence of the sticker alone is enough to deter a burglar.

The items listed below are those most commonly stolen from homes, cars, and businesses:

*Mark These Possessions:
Bicycles, Binoculars, Camcorders, Cameras, Car audio systems, Computer equipment, DVD players, Fishing rods, reels, Golf clubs, Guns, Kitchen appliances, Lawn mowers, Microwaves, MP3 players, Musical instruments, Outboard motors, Radios, Stereo equipment, Telephones, Tools (hand/power), Televisions.

Note: Electric engravers can be purchased at hardware stores, or large department stores in the “tools” section.

Gun Lock

MPD is a partner agency with Project ChildSafe assisting with local distribution of free firearm safety education and gun locks. 

Project ChildSafe aims to raise awareness about safe and responsible ownership of firearms and the importance of storing firearms securely when not in use to help prevent accidents, theft and misuse. 

FREE Gun Lock Safety Kits are available for pick-up at the front window of the Moore Police Department, 117 E. Main St during regular business hours. 

The Moore Police Department has started a new program to help in solving crimes and recover stolen property. Many homes and businesses in Moore have private security cameras. We are asking for the community’s help in compiling a list of camera locations by having the owners register their system with the Moore Police Department. This program is completely voluntary and will not cost the owner any money. The video information can be utilized when a crime is reported in an area where we have cameras listed. The Police Department will contact the owner and request a copy of their video footage to help develop leads in the investigation. There would be no cost to the individual or business as the Police Department would provide the necessary equipment to download the video footage. The information provided by the owner of the camera system will not be available to the public or subject to open records requests.

If you would like to participate in this program please click here.

The S.A.ID. (Special Needs Alert and Identification) Program is providing First Responders with the resources to identify and assist individuals with special needs who find themselves in an emergency situation.

Moore residents can now complete a simple information form and a S.A.ID. alert will be created in our secure communications database. For more information visit the link below:

Special Needs Alert & Identification Program