November 14 General Obligation Bond Election '23
For the Proposition - 56.38%
Against the Proposition - 43.62%
"Shall the City of Moore, Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness by issuing its bonds in the amount of Forty-Nine Million Three Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($49,390,000) to provide funds for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, improving or repairing streets or bridges in said City, to be owned exclusively by said City, and levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the taxable property in said City sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed the rate of 7 per centum per annum, payable semiannually and to become due serially within 20 years from their date?"
The specific projects for which at least seventy percent (70%) of the proceeds of the aforesaid street or bridge bonds shall be expended, and the dollar amounts for each such project shall be as follows:

Resurfacing (see FAQs) of Shields Boulevard and NW 27th Street Intersection, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement

Resurfacing (see FAQs) of Telephone Road between SW 19th Street and SW 34th Street, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement

Engineering and design expenditures and resurfacing (see FAQs) of SW 34th Street between Little River and Eastern Avenue, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement.

Resurfacing (see FAQs) of Broadway Avenue /Eastern Avenue Roundabout and SE 24th Street Realignment Phase 1, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement

Resurfacing (see FAQs) of South 19th Street and Tower/Broadway Avenue Intersection to Eastern Avenue Phase 2, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement 6,120,000

Resurfacing (see FAQs) of South Broadway Avenue between Eastern Avenue and Willow Pine Avenue Phase 3, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement

Engineering and design expenditures and resurfacing (replacement of the existing driving surface with concrete) of Santa Fe Avenue and SW 19th Street Intersection, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
This line item is dedicated for miscellaneous concrete panel replacement, as well as asphalt mill and overlay work, on arterial roads throughout the city. These funds are for ongoing repair and maintenance projects that occur outside of the designated projects that are listed in this proposition and are smaller in scope.
Engineering and design expenditures pertaining to the resurfacing of Shields Boulevard and NW 27th Street Intersection, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
Engineering and design expenditures pertaining to the resurfacing of Main Street from Broadway Avenue to Eastern Avenue, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
Engineering and design expenditures pertaining to the resurfacing of Eastern Avenue from NE 12th Street to NE 27th Street, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
Engineering and design expenditures pertaining to the resurfacing of Eastern Avenue from Broadway Avenue to SW 34th Street, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
Engineering and design expenditures pertaining to the resurfacing of NE 27th Street from Eastern Avenue to Interstate 35, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
Engineering and design expenditures pertaining to the resurfacing of NW 27th Street from Shields Boulevard to Interstate 35, including necessary curb and guttering, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, streetscape and utility line replacement
Q: If approved, will this raise my property taxes?
A: The City is committed to keeping the millage rate at or below 16.5 mills for the City’s portion of property taxes. Bonds are issued in increments to ensure the millage rate is at 16.5 mills or less. An increase or decrease would be determined based on past/future millage rates that fluctuate based on total assessed valuations each year. Again, the City of Moore is committed to keeping our portion at or below 16.5 mills.
Q: Is this one proposition or is each project voted on separately?
A: This is one proposition which includes all projects. These projects are spread out throughout the city, among all 3 wards.
Q: Will these projects all start at once?
A: No. Every effort will be made to schedule the projects so as to minimize disruption in traffic flow. The goal will be to stagger projects as much as possible. It is important to note that, should the City receive any federal/state grant funding, the construction schedule for that project would be dictated by the Dept. of Transportation. The City will effectively manage the projects to completion and continually assess the impact to the public.
Q: What does "resurfacing" mean with regard to these projects?
A: Removal and replacement of sub-grade and base materials, as well as replacement of the existing driving surface with concrete.
Q: Is road widening including in these projects?
A: Yes. Roads that are currently 2-lanes will be widened to 4-lanes. The Telephone Rd. project will include widening to 5-lanes. Please see videos for detailed information about each project.